Journal Articles

1. R.Piyare, G.Oikonomou and A. Elsts, “TSCH for Long Range Low Data Rate Applications,” IEEE Access, vol.8, pp.228754-228766, December, 2020. (Impact Factor: 3.745) [PDF]

2. R.Piyare, A.L.Murphy, M.Magno and L.Benini, “On-Demand LoRa: Asynchronous TDMA for Energy Efficient and Low Latency Communication in IoT,” MDPI Sensors, vol.18, no.11, pp.3718-3739, November, 2018. (Impact Factor: 3.275) [PDF]

3. R.Piyare, A.L.Murphy, C.Kiraly, P.Tosato and D.Brunelli, “Ultra Low Power Wake-Up Radios: A Hardware and Networking Survey,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol.19, no.4, pp.2117-2157, Fourthquarter 2017. (Impact Factor: 23.7) [PDF]

4. R.Piyare and S.R.Lee, “Activity Recognition of Workers and Passengers onboard Ships Using Multimodal Sensors in a Smartphone,” The Journal of Korea Information and Communications Society, vol.39, Issue 9, pp.811-819, 2014. [PDF]

5. R.Piyare and S.R.Lee, “Towards Internet of Things (IOTs): Integration of Wireless Sensor Network to Cloud Services for Data Collection and Sharing,” International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, vol.5, No.5, September, 2013. [PDF]

6. R.Piyare, “Internet of Things: Ubiquitous Home Control and Monitoring System using Android based Smart Phone,” International Journal of Internet of Things, vol.2, pp.5-11, 2013. [PDF]

7. R.Piyare and S.R.Lee,“ Performance Analysis of Xbee ZB Module Based Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, vol.4, pp.1615-1621, 2013. [PDF]

Peer Reviewed Conference and Workshop Papers

1. R.Piyare and A.L. Murphy, “WURBench: Toward Benchmarking Wake-up Radio-based Systems,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.06890, 2018. [PDF]

2. R.Piyare, A.L. Murphy, M.Magno and L.Benini, “KRATOS: An Open Source Hardware-Software Platform for Rapid Research in LPWANs,” In Proceedings of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), IEEE 14th International Conference on., 15th-17th October, Cyprus, 2018. [PDF]

3. R.Piyare , A.L. Murphy, M.Magno and L.Benini, “On-Demand TDMA for Energy Efficient Data Collection with LoRa and Wake-up Receiver,” In Proceedings of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), IEEE 14th International Conference on., 15th-17th October, Cyprus, 2018. [PDF]

4. R.Piyare, A.L. Murphy, P.Tosato and D.Brunelli, “Plug into a Plant: Using a Plant Microbial Fuel Cell and a Wake-up Radio for an Energy Neutral Sensing System,” In Proceedings of the Local Computer Networks Workshops (LCN Workshops), IEEE 42nd Conference on., 9th12th October, Singapore, 2017. [PDF]

5. R.Piyare, T. Istomin and A. Murphy, “WaCo: A Wake-Up Radio COOJA Extension for Simulating Ultra Low Power Radios,” In Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), 20th-22nd February, Uppsala, Sweden, 2017. [PDF]

6. R.Piyare and S.R.Lee, “Dynamic Activity Recognition using Smartphone Sensor Data,” In Proceedings of International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, 1-16th June, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, Vol. 1, 2014. [PDF]

7. R.Piyare and S.R.Lee, “Utilizing Smartphone Sensors for Daily Physical Activity Recognition,” In Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Multimedia Information Technology and Applications (MITA 2014), 9th-10th July, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 2014. [PDF]

8. R.Piyare and S.R.Lee, “Activity Recognition using Smartphone low level sensor data,” 2014 International Conference on Future Information and Communication Engineering (ICFICE 2014), 26th-28th June, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 2014. [PDF]

9. R.Piyare and S.R.Lee, “Mobile Sensing Platform for Personal Health Management,” 18th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, 22nd-25th June, Jeju, South Korea, 2014. [PDF]

10. R.Piyare and S.R.Lee, “Integrating Wireless Sensor Network into Cloud Services for Real-time Data Collection,” in ICT Convergence (ICTC), 2013 International Conference on.IEEE, 14th-16th October, Jeju, South Korea, 2013. [PDF]

11. R.Piyare and S.R.Lee, “Smart Home-Control and Monitoring System Using Smart Phone,” International Conference, ICCA 2013, Korea University, Seoul Korea, July, 2013. [PDF]

12. R.Piyare and M.Tazil, “Bluetooth Based Home Automation System using Cell Phone,” Presented at 15th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, 14th-17th June, Singapore, 2011. [PDF]

13. R.Piyare and R.Singh, “Wireless Control of An Automated Guided Vehicle,” Presented at 2011 International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS), 16th-18th March, Hong Kong, 2011. [PDF]

Ph.D. Thesis

R.Piyare, “Wake-up Radio based Approach to Low-Power and Low-Latency Communication in the Internet of Things,” Doctoral dissertation, University of Trento, 2019. [PDF]